No Hands® Massage
No Hands® Massage is a dynamic form of massage that is considered to be one of the most powerful new therapeutic treatments available.
Gerry Pyves, a therapist from the UK conceived, devised, evolved and improved this amazing treatment over the past 20 years.
The technique involves no use of hands and instead uses the forearms, resulting in a deeper, more relaxing massage compared to most conventional massage.
No Hands® Massage works on the physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and can be so powerful that you can feel the effects long after the session has finished.
Clients are in complete control of their treatment as they specify the style of massage, depth, speed and outcome of the session which is determined during the consultation.
You can only really understand its true power by feeling it.
I started learning No Hands Massage in 2013 and have completed a minimum of 18 days of advanced training with Gerry Pyves and I am currently Massage Therapist level. for more information.